Nov 29, 2009

OnLy TheSe I CoULd Do fOr YoU

Salam peperiksaan kepada semua pelajar SPM..
Wei...PapEr sAya Tak LAmE laGi
Maaf tak dapat datang sekolah

Tapi ada soalan untuk semua...

Essay: Study the effects of temperature, humidity, ligth and pH value on the growth of bacteria





Tabulation data:

Essay: Study the effect of nutrients on the growth of microorganism

Essay: The effect of impurities on the boiling point of water

Essay: Study the electrical conductivity on various substances

Essay: Study the physical properties of metals and non-metals

Essay: Study the reactivity of metal with water / acid / oxygen

Structure: Simple cell [study the possible questions that you think maybe they ask]

Essay: Electroplating and Purification

Essay: The used of radioactive substances

Essay: Estimate the focal length of different thickness convex lenses

Selamat mencube (^^) aja2 fighting

If you you have a dream, do your best..


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